Thursday, July 26, 2007


Well, I've been having fun with Flickr. I am familiar with Picture Trail, and that is where I normally post my online photos, but Flickr has some interesting options. I posted some photos of Andrea Shore's (PE) husband, Tony, winning the Sondheim award. I added some tags, and already someone has posted a comment. It is fun the way things start to link up. But can you use Flickr to post photos on other places, like MySpace or a BB? I tried to post a photo on my brother's MySpace, and it wouldn't work. Maybe you need to have a Pro account?? I will have to read more about Flickr. I will probably get a pro account anyway, and drop the Picture Trail account ... I certainly don't need two!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

7 & 1/2

Like probably many people, I find it hard to accept problems as challenges. When I encounter a problem, I can get discouraged and start thinking I won't be able to deal with it. I have a hard time realizing what a good learning experience a problem can be until AFTER I have dealt with it. I may have better results dealing with problems if I can accept them as challenges from the start. I have an easy time with play. Who wouldn't? :-)


I now have a blog